

If you’re looking to help your child get stronger, more levelheaded, more capable, and more confident, this is the program for you. Lee Bros Kids MMA program is for kids ages 5-12, and includes both Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai Kickboxing.

Enrollment is open continually - we have new students joining us every week! Our younger students (5-8) meet on M/W at 4:15pm, and older students (9-12) meet on T/Th at 4:15pm. We train BJJ on Monday, and Tuesday, and Muay Thai on Wednesday and Thursday. Sessions are 45 minutes long.

Required kids uniforms are available at the front desk: a Lee Bros gi for BJJ, and shorts + tiger shirt for Muay Thai. We also carry the youth boxing gloves you'll need.

Absolute beginners are welcome! As with all of our sessions, your first session is free. For your first visit you will need athletic clothes, a water bottle, and of course a parent or guardian.

Plan to come about 10-15 minutes early so we can get you geared up and ready to train!